
This section of the User Guide describes how to reproduce a standard EWAOL distribution image for a supported target platform, configuring and deploying the supported set of distribution image features, and running simple examples of the EWAOL Use-Cases.


The recommended approach for image build setup and customization is to use the kas build tool. To support this, EWAOL provides configuration files to setup and build different target images, different distribution image features, and set associated parameter configurations.

This page first briefly describes below the kas configuration files provided with EWAOL, before guidance is given on using those kas configuration files to set up the EWAOL distribution on a target platform.


All command examples on this page can be copied by clicking the copy button. Any console prompts at the start of each line, comments, or empty lines will be automatically excluded from the copied text.

The meta-ewaol-config/kas directory contains kas configuration files to support building and customizing EWAOL distribution images via kas. These kas configuration files contain default parameter settings for an EWAOL distribution build, and are described in more detail in Build System. Here, the files are briefly introduced, classified into three ordered categories:

  • Architecture Configs: Set the target EWAOL architecture

    • baremetal.yml to prepare an image for the baremetal architecture.

    • virtualization.yml to prepare an image for the virtualization architecture.

  • Build Modifier Configs: Set and configure features of the EWAOL distribution

    • tests.yml to include run-time validation tests on the image.

    • baremetal-sdk.yml to build an SDK image for the baremetal architecture.

    • virtualization-sdk.yml to build an SDK image for the virtualization architecture.

    • security.yml to build a security-hardened EWAOL distribution image.

  • Target Platform Configs: Set the target platform

    EWAOL currently supports the The Neoverse N1 System Development Platform (N1SDP), corresponding to the n1sdp MACHINE implemented in meta-arm-bsp. A single Target Platform Config is therefore provided:

    • n1sdp.yml to select the N1SDP as the target platform.

    To read documentation about the N1SDP, see the N1SDP Technical Reference Manual.


Additional information on EWAOL features such as run-time validation tests and the SDK can be found in the Developer Manual

These kas configuration files can be used to build a custom EWAOL distribution by passing one Architecture Config, zero or more Build Modifier Configs, and one Target Platform Config to the kas build tool, chained via a colon (:) character. Examples for this are given later in this document.

In the next section, guidance is provided for configuring, building and deploying EWAOL distributions using these kas configuration files.

Build Host Environment Setup

This documentation assumes an Ubuntu-based Build Host, where the build steps have been validated on the Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS Linux distribution.

A number of package dependencies must be installed on the Build Host to run build scenarios via the Yocto Project. The Yocto Project documentation provides the list of essential packages together with a command for their installation.

The recommended approach for building EWAOL is to use the kas build tool. To install kas:

sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade kas==3.0.2

For more details on kas installation, see kas Dependencies & installation.

To deploy an EWAOL distribution image onto the supported target platform, this User Guide uses bmap-tools. This can be installed via:

sudo apt install bmap-tools


The Build Host should have at least 65 GBytes of free disk space to build an EWAOL baremetal distribution image, or at least 100 GBytes of free disk space to build an EWAOL virtualization distribution image.


The meta-ewaol repository can be downloaded using Git, via:

# Change the tag or branch to be fetched by replacing the value supplied to
# the --branch parameter option

mkdir -p ~/ewaol
cd ~/ewaol
git clone --branch v1.0
cd meta-ewaol


As different kas configuration files with different customizable parameters are used to build EWAOL for different architectural use-cases, the instructions for building an EWAOL distribution depend on the target architecture, as follows.


The K3s recipe build involves fetching a substantial amount of source code which might fail due to connection timeout. If a similar error message as bellow is displayed, try re-running the build command until it completes.

WARNING: k3s-v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0 do_fetch: Failed to fetch URL git://;name=oauth2;protocol=https;nobranch=1;destsuffix=/<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/work/armv8a-poky-linux/k3s/v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0/k3s-v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2/src/import/vendor.fetch/, attempting MIRRORS if available
ERROR: k3s-v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure: Fetch command export PSEUDO_DISABLED=1; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/run/user/51741/keyring/ssh"; export PATH="/<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/sysroots-uninative/x86_64-linux/usr/bin:/<...>/layers/poky/scripts:/<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/work/armv8a-poky-linux/k3s/v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin/aarch64-poky-linux:/<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/work/armv8a-poky-linux/k3s/v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/bin/crossscripts:/<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/work/armv8a-poky-linux/k3s/v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/sbin:/<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/work/armv8a-poky-linux/k3s/v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/usr/bin:/<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/work/armv8a-poky-linux/k3s/v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/sbin:/<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/work/armv8a-poky-linux/k3s/v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0/recipe-sysroot-native/bin:/<...>/layers/poky/bitbake/bin:/<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/hosttools"; export HOME="/tmp/tmpk1obk02g"; LANG=C git -c core.fsyncobjectfiles=0 -c gc.autoDetach=false clone --bare --mirror /<...>/build/downloads/git2/ --progress failed with exit code 128, no output
ERROR: k3s-v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0 do_fetch: Bitbake Fetcher Error: FetchError('Unable to fetch URL from any source.', 'git://;name=oauth2;protocol=https;nobranch=1;destsuffix=/<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/work/armv8a-poky-linux/k3s/v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0/k3s-v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2/src/import/vendor.fetch/')
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /<...>/build/tmp_baremetal/work/armv8a-poky-linux/k3s/v1.22.6+k3s1+git4262c6b91a43ef8411870f72ff8b8715949f90e2-r0/temp/log.do_fetch.70146
ERROR: Task (/<...>/layers/meta-virtualization/recipes-containers/k3s/ failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 3710 tasks of which 2318 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.

Summary: 1 task failed:
Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages, returning a non-zero exit code.
2022-05-17 06:42:21 - ERROR    - Command returned non-zero exit status 1

Baremetal Distribution

To build a baremetal distribution image for the N1SDP hardware target platform:

kas build --update meta-ewaol-config/kas/baremetal.yml:meta-ewaol-config/kas/n1sdp.yml

The resulting baremetal distribution image will be produced at: build/tmp_baremetal/deploy/images/n1sdp/ewaol-baremetal-image-n1sdp.*

To build a baremetal distribution image with the EWAOL SDK for the N1SDP hardware target platform:

kas build --update meta-ewaol-config/kas/baremetal-sdk.yml:meta-ewaol-config/kas/n1sdp.yml

The resulting baremetal distribution image will be produced at: build/tmp_baremetal/deploy/images/n1sdp/ewaol-baremetal-sdk-image-n1sdp.*

EWAOL baremetal distribution images can be modified by adding run-time validation tests and security hardening to the distribution. This can be done by including meta-ewaol-config/kas/tests.yml and meta-ewaol-config/kas/security.yml kas configuration file as a Build Modifier. See Run-Time Integration Tests for more details on including run-time validation tests and Security Hardening for more details on security hardening.

Virtualization Distribution

To build a virtualization distribution image for the N1SDP hardware target platform:

kas build --update meta-ewaol-config/kas/virtualization.yml:meta-ewaol-config/kas/n1sdp.yml

The resulting virtualization distribution image will be produced: build/tmp_virtualization/deploy/images/n1sdp/ewaol-virtualization-image-n1sdp.*

To build a virtualization distribution image with the EWAOL SDK for the N1SDP hardware target platform:

kas build --update meta-ewaol-config/kas/virtualization-sdk.yml:meta-ewaol-config/kas/n1sdp.yml

The resulting virtualization distribution image will be produced: build/tmp_virtualization/deploy/images/n1sdp/ewaol-virtualization-sdk-image-n1sdp.*

As with the EWAOL baremetal guidance above, EWAOL virtualization distribution images can also be modified to include run-time validation tests and security hardening by adding meta-ewaol-config/kas/tests.yml and meta-ewaol-config/kas/security.yml kas configuration files respectively. See Run-Time Integration Tests for more details on including run-time validation tests and Security Hardening for more details on security hardening.


EWAOL defines a set of customizable environment variables for configuring the VMs included on a virtualization distribution image. The following list shows the variables and their default values (where MB and KB refer to Megabytes and Kilobytes, respectively), when including one Guest VM instance:

EWAOL_GUEST_VM_INSTANCES: "1"                      # Number of Guest VM instances
EWAOL_GUEST_VM1_NUMBER_OF_CPUS: "4"                # Number of CPUs for Guest VM1
EWAOL_GUEST_VM1_MEMORY_SIZE: "6144"                # Memory size for Guest VM1 (MB)
EWAOL_GUEST_VM1_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE: ""             # Extra storage space for Guest VM1 (KB)
EWAOL_CONTROL_VM_MEMORY_SIZE: "2048"               # Memory size for Control VM (MB)
EWAOL_CONTROL_VM_ROOTFS_EXTRA_SPACE: "1000000"     # Extra storage space for Control VM (KB)

To customize these variables, set their value in the environment for the kas build. For example, to build a virtualization distribution image for the N1SDP using the above default values, but allocating a non-default value of eight CPUs for its Guest VM, run:

EWAOL_GUEST_VM1_NUMBER_OF_CPUS=8 kas build --update meta-ewaol-config/kas/virtualization.yml:meta-ewaol-config/kas/n1sdp.yml

EWAOL supports adding multiple independently-configurable Guest VMs to a virtualization distribution image. Additional details for this are provided at Customization.


Instructions for deploying an EWAOL distribution image on the supported N1SDP hardware target platform is divided into two parts:


As the image filenames vary depending on the architecture and the inclusion of the SDK, the precise commands to deploy an EWAOL distribution image vary. The following documentation denotes required instructions with sequentially numbered indexes (e.g., 1, 2, …), and distinguishes alternative instructions by denoting the alternatives alphabetically (e.g., A, B, …).

Load the Image on a USB Storage Device

EWAOL distribution images are produced as files with the .wic.bmap and .wic.gz extensions. They must first be loaded to a USB storage device, as follows:

  1. Prepare a USB storage device (minimum size of 64 GB).

Identify the USB storage device using lsblk command:


This will output, for example:

sdc      8:0    0    64G  0 disk


In this example, the USB storage device is the /dev/sdc device. As this may vary on different machines, care should be taken when copying and pasting the following commands.

  1. Prepare for the image copy:

  1. Baremetal

sudo umount /dev/sdc*
cd build/tmp_baremetal/deploy/images/n1sdp/
  1. Virtualization

sudo umount /dev/sdc*
cd build/tmp_virtualization/deploy/images/n1sdp/


The next step will result in all prior partitions and data on the USB storage device being erased. Please backup before continuing.

  1. Flash the image onto the USB storage device using bmap-tools:

  1. Baremetal distribution image:

sudo bmaptool copy --bmap ewaol-baremetal-image-n1sdp.wic.bmap ewaol-baremetal-image-n1sdp.wic.gz /dev/sdc
  1. Baremetal-SDK distribution image:

sudo bmaptool copy --bmap ewaol-baremetal-sdk-image-n1sdp.wic.bmap ewaol-baremetal-sdk-image-n1sdp.wic.gz /dev/sdc
  1. Virtualization distribution image:

sudo bmaptool copy --bmap ewaol-virtualization-image-n1sdp.wic.bmap ewaol-virtualization-image-n1sdp.wic.gz /dev/sdc
  1. Virtualization-SDK distribution image:

sudo bmaptool copy --bmap ewaol-virtualization-sdk-image-n1sdp.wic.bmap ewaol-virtualization-sdk-image-n1sdp.wic.gz /dev/sdc

The USB storage device can then be safely ejected from the Build Host, and plugged into one of the USB 3.0 ports on the N1SDP.

Update the N1SDP MCC Configuration MicroSD Card


This process doesn’t need to be performed every time the USB Storage Device gets updated. It is only necessary to update the MCC configuration microSD card when the EWAOL major version changes.

This guidance requires a physical connection able to be established between the N1SDP and a PC that can be used to interface with it, here assumed to be the Build Host. The instructions are as follows:

  1. Connect a USB-B cable between the Build Host and the DBG USB port of the N1SDP back panel.

  2. Find four TTY USB devices in the /dev directory of the Build Host, via:

ls /dev/ttyUSB*

This will output, for example:

By default the four ports are connected to the following devices:
  • ttyUSB<n> Motherboard Configuration Controller (MCC)

  • ttyUSB<n+1> Application processor (AP)

  • ttyUSB<n+2> System Control Processor (SCP)

  • ttyUSB<n+3> Manageability Control Processor (MCP)

In this guide the ports are:
  • ttyUSB0: MCC

  • ttyUSB1: AP

  • ttyUSB2: SCP

  • ttyUSB3: MCP

The ports are configured with the following settings:
  • 115200 Baud

  • 8N1

  • No hardware or software flow support

  1. Connect to the N1SDP’s MCC console. Any terminal applications such as putty, screen or minicom will work. The screen utility is used in the following command:

sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
  1. Power-on the N1SDP via the power supply switch on the N1SDP tower. The MCC window will be shown. Type the following command at the Cmd> prompt to see MCC firmware version and a list of commands:


This will output, for example:

Arm N1SDP MCC Firmware v1.0.1
Build Date: Sep  5 2019
Build Time: 14:18:16
+ command ------------------+ function ---------------------------------+
| CAP "fname" [/A]          | captures serial data to a file            |
|                           |  [/A option appends data to a file]       |
| FILL "fname" [nnnn]       | create a file filled with text            |
|                           |  [nnnn - number of lines, default=1000]   |
| TYPE "fname"              | displays the content of a text file       |
| REN "fname1" "fname2"     | renames a file 'fname1' to 'fname2'       |
| COPY "fin" ["fin2"] "fout"| copies a file 'fin' to 'fout' file        |
|                           |  ['fin2' option merges 'fin' and 'fin2']  |
| DEL "fname"               | deletes a file                            |
| DIR "[mask]"              | displays a list of files in the directory |
| FORMAT [label]            | formats Flash Memory Card                 |
| USB_ON                    | Enable usb                                |
| USB_OFF                   | Disable usb                               |
| SHUTDOWN                  | Shutdown PSU (leave micro running)        |
| REBOOT                    | Power cycle system and reboot             |
| RESET                     | Reset Board using CB_nRST                 |
| DEBUG                     | Enters debug menu                         |
| EEPROM                    | Enters eeprom menu                        |
| HELP  or  ?               | displays this help                        |
|                                                                       |
|                                                                       |
| CASE_FAN_SPEED "SPEED"    | Choose from SLOW, MEDIUM, FAST            |
| READ_AXI "fname"          | Read system memory to file 'fname'        |
|          "address"        | from address to end address               |
|          "end_address"    |                                           |
| WRITE_AXI "fname"         | Write file 'fname' to system memory       |
|           "address"       | at address                                |
  1. In the MCC window at the Cmd> prompt, enable USB via:

  1. Mount the N1SDP’s internal microSD card over the DBG USB connection to the Build Host and copy the required files.

The microSD card is visible on the Build Host as a disk device after issuing the USB_ON command in the MCC console, as performed in the previous step. This can be found using the lsblk command:


This will output, for example:

sdb      8:0    0     2G  0 disk
└─sdb1   8:1    0     2G  0 part


In this example, the /dev/sdb1 partition is being mounted. As this may vary on different machines, care should be taken when copying and pasting the following commands.

Mount the device and check its contents:

sudo umount /dev/sdb1
sudo mkdir -p /tmp/sdcard
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/sdcard
ls /tmp/sdcard

This should output, for example:

config.txt   ee0316a.txt   LICENSES   LOG.TXT   MB   SOFTWARE
  1. Wipe the mounted microSD card, then extract the contents of n1sdp-board-firmware_primary.tar.gz onto it:

  1. Baremetal

sudo rm -rf /tmp/sdcard/*
sudo tar --no-same-owner -xf \
  build/tmp_baremetal/deploy/images/n1sdp/n1sdp-board-firmware_primary.tar.gz -C \
  /tmp/sdcard/ && sync
sudo umount /tmp/sdcard
sudo rmdir /tmp/sdcard
  1. Virtualization

sudo rm -rf /tmp/sdcard/*
sudo tar --no-same-owner -xf \
  build/tmp_virtualization/deploy/images/n1sdp/n1sdp-board-firmware_primary.tar.gz -C \
  /tmp/sdcard/ && sync
sudo umount /tmp/sdcard
sudo rmdir /tmp/sdcard


If the N1SDP board was manufactured after November 2019 (Serial Number greater than 36253xxx), a different PMIC firmware image must be used to prevent potential damage to the board. More details can be found in Potential firmware damage notice. The MB/HBI0316A/io_v123f.txt file located in the microSD needs to be updated. To update it, set the PMIC image (300k_8c2.bin) to be used in the newer models by running the following commands on the Build Host:

sudo umount /dev/sdb1
sudo mkdir -p /tmp/sdcard
sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/sdcard
sudo sed -i '/^MBPMIC: pms_0V85.bin/s/^/;/g' /tmp/sdcard/MB/HBI0316A/io_v123f.txt
sudo sed -i '/^;MBPMIC: 300k_8c2.bin/s/^;//g' /tmp/sdcard/MB/HBI0316A/io_v123f.txt
sudo umount /tmp/sdcard
sudo rmdir /tmp/sdcard


To run the deployed EWAOL distribution image, simply boot the target platform. For example, on the MCC console accessed via the connected machine described in Deploy, reset the target platform and boot into the deployed EWAOL distribution image via:


The resulting EWAOL distribution image can be logged into as ewaol user. See User Accounts for more information about user accounts and groups.

On an EWAOL virtualization distribution image, this will access the Control VM. To log into a Guest VM, the xl tool can be used. For example, on a default EWAOL virtualization distribution image:

sudo xl console ewaol-guest-vm1

This command will provide a console on the Guest VM, which can be exited by entering Ctrl+]. See the xl documentation for further details.

The distribution can then be used for deployment and orchestration of application workloads in order to achieve the desired use-cases.


As an initial validation step, check that the appropriate Systemd services are running successfully, depending on the target architecture:

  • Baremetal Architecture:

    • docker.service

    • k3s.service

    These services can be checked by running the command:

    systemctl status --no-pager --lines=0 docker.service k3s.service

    And ensuring the command output lists them as active and running.

  • Virtualization Architecture:

    • docker.service

    • k3s.service

    • xendomains.service

    These services can be checked by running the command:

    systemctl status --no-pager --lines=0 docker.service k3s.service xendomains.service

    And ensuring the command output lists them as active and running.

More thorough run-time validation of EWAOL components are provided as a series of integration tests, available if the meta-ewaol-config/kas/tests.yml kas configuration file was included in the image build. These are detailed at Run-Time Integration Tests.

The integration tests that this command will execute are detailed in Validation, along with the expected format of the test output and additional details for running and customizing the validation.

Reproducing the EWAOL Use-Cases

With the EWAOL distribution running and validated, it can be used to achieve the target EWAOL Use-Cases.

This section briefly demonstrates simplified use-case examples, where detailed instructions for developing, deploying, and orchestrating application workloads are left to the external documentation of the relevant technology, as stated in the Documentation Assumptions.


The following example instructions form similar but simplified versions of the activities carried out by the run-time validation tests that can be included on the EWAOL distribution. See Validation and the test implementations for further demonstrations of EWAOL use-cases.

Deploying Application Workloads via Docker and K3s

This example use-case is performed on the:

  • Baremetal distribution image

  • Virtualization distribution image

This example deploys the Nginx webserver as an application workload, using the nginx container image available from Docker’s default image repository. The deployment can be achieved either via Docker or via K3s, as follows:

  1. Reboot the image and log-in as the ewaol user.

    On a virtualization distribution image, this will produce a console on the Control VM.

  2. Deploy the example application workload:

    • Deploy via Docker

      2.1. Run the following example command to deploy via Docker:

      sudo docker run --name nginx_docker_example -p 8082:80 -d nginx

      2.2. Confirm the Docker container is running by checking its STATUS in the container list:

      sudo docker container list

      The container should appear in the list of running containers, with the associated name nginx_docker_example. For example:

      CONTAINER ID   IMAGE     COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                   NAMES
      cb7f67053556   nginx     "/docker-entrypoint.…"   14 seconds ago   Up 13 seconds>80/tcp, :::8082->80/tcp   nginx_docker_example
    • Deploy via K3s

      2.1. Run the following example command to deploy via K3s:

      cat << EOT > nginx-example.yml && sudo kubectl apply -f nginx-example.yml
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
        name: k3s-nginx-example
        - name: nginx
          image: nginx
          - containerPort: 80
            hostPort: 8082

      2.2. Confirm that the K3s Pod hosting the container is running by checking that its STATUS is running, using:

      sudo kubectl get pods -o wide

      The output should be similar to the following example output:

      k3s-nginx-example   1/1     Running   0          28s   [IP]   n1sdp   <none>           <none>
  3. After the Nginx application workload has been successfully deployed, it can be interacted with on the network, via for example:

    wget localhost:8082

    This should download the webserver’s default index.html page and return a successful exit status, similar to the following example output:

    --YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss--  http://localhost:8082/
    Resolving localhost (localhost)... ::1,
    Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:8082... connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
    Length: 615 [text/html]
    Saving to: ‘index.html’
    index.html                             100%[===========================================================================>]     615  --.-KB/s    in 0s
    YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (189 MB/s) - ‘index.html’ saved [615/615]


As both methods deploy a webserver listening on port 8082, the two methods cannot be run simultaneously and one deployment must be stopped before the other can start.

To stop the application workload deployed via Docker, use the command:

sudo docker stop nginx_docker_example

The container should then no longer appear in the list of running containers given by sudo docker container list.

To stop the application workload deployed via K3s, use the command:

sudo kubectl delete pod k3s-nginx-example

The K3s Pod which was running the container should no longer appear in the list of K3s Pods given by sudo kubectl get pods -o wide.

Orchestrating Resource-Managed and Isolated Application Workloads via K3s and Xen VMs

This example use-case is performed on the:

  • Virtualization distribution image

This example uses the K3s orchestration framework to use the Control VM to schedule an Nginx webserver application workload for execution on the Guest VM.

To do this, it is first necessary for a K3s agent to be initialized on the Guest VM and connected with the K3s server running on the Control VM, to form a cluster. The application workload can then be scheduled for deployment to the Guest VM via K3s orchestration. This example process is as follows:

  1. Log-in to the Control VM

Reboot the virtualization distribution image, then log-in as the ewaol user.

  1. Connect Guest VM K3s Agent

2.1. On the Control VM, determine its IP address via:

ifconfig xenbr0

2.2. On the Control VM, determine the node-token for the K3s server via:

sudo cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token

2.3. On the Control VM, log in to the Guest VM as the ewaol user, via:

sudo xl console ewaol-guest-vm1

2.4. On the Guest VM, and denoting the IP address and node-token as [IP] and [TOKEN] respectively, change the ExecStart= line in /lib/systemd/system/k3s-agent.service to:

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/k3s agent --server=https://[IP]:6443 --token=[TOKEN] --node-label=ewaol.node-type=guest-vm

2.5. On the Guest VM, start the K3s Agent with these values via:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl start k3s-agent

2.6. On the Guest VM, disconnect from it and return to the Control VM via:


2.7. On the Control VM, ensure that the K3s server and the Guest VM’s K3s agent are connected, by running:

sudo kubectl get nodes

The hostname of the Guest VM should appear as a node in the list, with a STATUS of ready. The output should be similar to the following example:

NAME              STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
ewaol-guest-vm1   Ready    <none>                 22s     v1.22.6-k3s1
n1sdp             Ready    control-plane,master   6m40s   v1.22.6-k3s1
  1. Schedule Application Workload

3.1. On the Control VM, schedule the Nginx application workload to be deployed on the Guest VM, by running the following example command:

cat << EOT > nginx-example.yml && sudo kubectl apply -f nginx-example.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: k3s-nginx-example
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    - containerPort: 80
      hostPort: 8082
    ewaol.node-type: guest-vm

3.2. On the Control VM, confirm that the K3s Pod (which hosts the container) was deployed to the Guest VM by checking its STATUS is running and its NODE is the Guest VM’s hostname, by running the following command:

sudo kubectl get pods -o wide

The output should be similar to the following example output:

k3s-nginx-example   1/1     Running   0          33s   [IP]   ewaol-guest-vm1   <none>           <none>
  1. Access the Application Workload

The webserver will then be running on the Guest VM. To access the webserver:

4.1. On the Control VM, log in to the Guest VM as the ewaol user, via:

sudo xl console ewaol-guest-vm1

4.2. On the Guest VM, access the webserver by running the following example command:

wget localhost:8082

This should download the webserver’s default index.html page and return a successful exit status, similar to the following example output:

--YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss--  http://localhost:8082/
Resolving localhost (localhost)... ::1,
Connecting to localhost (localhost)|::1|:8082... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 615 [text/html]
Saving to: ‘index.html’

index.html                             100%[===========================================================================>]     615  --.-KB/s    in 0s

YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (189 MB/s) - ‘index.html’ saved [615/615]

While the Guest VM is running this application workload, other deployments may be carried out (for example) on the Control VM, thus enabling isolation between application workloads running on resource-managed virtualized hardware.